Rabu, 30 November 2016

Adding Healthy Weight Loss Strategies

Adding Healthy Weight Loss Strategies

 Not just overweight, the body is too skinny also a significant problem for health. Many studies have shown, a thin body is not necessarily free from the risk of developing heart and blood vessel disease. Research has recently shown, the weight is too thin have a greater risk of death than people who are overweight.
In addition to the risk of disease, too thin-bodied people who have generally imaged unhealthy and not fresh. For that reason, many people with less weight wants to increase his weight. However, raising the weight is not as simple as eating more than usual.
Doctors physiologist Grace Judio Kahl said, the principle of raising the weight is to enter more calories than the energy expended. So before starting the program, must be known how normal calorie needs someone, and how much should be added.
Increasing healthy weight is about 1 kilogram a week. To raise 1 kg, one should "" save "" 7,000 calories. So every day of the week there should be 1,000 extra calories beyond daily caloric needs.
"" For example, someone has a caloric requirement of 1,600 calories per day. If you want to put on weight 1 kg, meaning he had to eat 2,600 calories for seven days, '' he said when contacted by Compass Health, Wednesday (07/16/2014).
But calories are entered was not just empty calories, but also must be nutritionally balanced. "" Raising the weight certainly do not want to be accompanied by an increased risk of the disease, is not it? That's why any source of calories need to be considered, ' "says consultant weight loss program at Indonesia's Lighthouse clinic.
Source of calories the healthy need nutritionally balanced. That is a source of calories should be foods that contain carbohydrates, protein, and fat. In particular to raise the weight, the focus is on protein, not lemak.Otot
In order for good posture, body not require the addition of fatty deposits, but muscle. Well to build muscle, it takes two things: their needs and materials. The definition of needs is muscle is only produced when needed. Proven if rarely used, limbs will decrease muscle mass.
How to stimulate muscle growth? Sports that the principle of resistance exercise was key. The exercise may be lifting weights, both the burden of the body itself or by the tool.
According to dietitian doctor Phaidon L Toruan, exercises for muscle growth needs to be done on all body muscles, chest muscles, shoulders, back, abdomen, hips, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. It was done twice a week with a right and exercise load to add a little demiki bit.
The second factor is the material. The point is that the body needs to build muscle material. One nutrient that is instrumental to this is a protein. Therefore, according to Grace, protein is a nutrient that must be consumed more when it wants to increase the weight.
"" Protein should be eaten by the number of four to five palms day. Its source is better than fish because it also contains healthy fats. Red meat may also contain cholesterol but red meat is high enough, '' said Grace.
Grace also provides sample menus that can be consumed in a day to promote weight loss. The addition of food ingredients that enrich the nutritional and caloric needs to be done.
- Breakfast: porridge chicken + one piece of chicken the size of large-morning snack: bread + butter, plus a slice of cheese or meat asap- Lunch: rice + dishes + vegetables + beans to increase intake of fiber, protein, and healthy fats - afternoon snack: fruit-buahan- Dinner: the same as lunch, with varied dishes.

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Kamis, 24 November 2016

Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan Dengan Cepat Dan Alami

Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan Dengan Cepat Dan Alami

Broma Cleanse Ulasan

BromaCleanse adalah unik, 100% berat badan alami kerugian sistem yang dirancang untuk tidak hanya membantu Anda menurunkan berat badan yang menjaga Anda dari perasaan dan mencari cara yang Anda inginkan, tetapi akan membantu Anda menjadi lebih sehat dan lebih energik juga.

 Banyak orang mencoba untuk menurunkan berat badan dengan akan hal itu dengan cara yang salah. Mereka tidak sepenuhnya memahami bagaimana tubuh bekerja, sehingga mereka mencoba berbagai produk penurunan berat badan, latihan, atau diet untuk membantu mereka menurunkan berat badan, hanya untuk berulang kali kecewa.

 BromaCleanse bekerja untuk menargetkan kelebihan berat badan yang diet dan olahraga saja tidak akan memerangi dengan berfokus pada membersihkan usus besar dan saluran usus. Seiring waktu, racun dari lingkungan, partikel makanan yang tidak tercerna, dan limbah membangun dalam tubuh, membentuk lapisan tebal di sepanjang dinding usus dan usus besar. Ini membangun tidak hanya menyebabkan Anda ke troli sekitar ekstra berat, tetapi bisa membuat Anda lelah, kembung, dan sembelit, juga faktor yang berperan dalam kenaikan berat badan. Ini adalah berat badan yang tidak dapat dikurangi melalui diet dan olahraga saja.

 Dengan tetap berpegang pada sistem BromaCleanse, BromaCleanse sampai ke akar masalah dengan membilas usus besar dan usus dari kelebihan limbah, racun, dan makanan. Anda akan kehilangan berat badan berlebih Anda telah pengangkutan sekitar selama bertahun-tahun dalam waktu singkat. Tidak hanya itu, tetapi ada banyak manfaat kesehatan lain yang datang dari Broma Cleanse.

 BromaCleanse juga meningkatkan metabolisme dengan membersihkan racun yang membawanya turun. Sebagai hasil metabolisme yang lebih tinggi baru Anda, Anda akan merasa lebih berenergi dan waspada sepanjang hari, dan tubuh Anda menjadi lebih efisien dalam membakar kalori daripada menyimpannya sebagai lemak.

 Anda juga akan melihat peningkatan pencernaan dan bantuan dari sembelit, yang dapat membuat Anda merasa berat atau memberikan kram perut buruk. Sebagai BromaCleanse mulai bekerja, itu akan mengakibatkan perut terasa datar, seperti kembung yang akan mulai menghilang.

 Salah satu hal terbaik tentang sistem BromaCleanse adalah herbal alami yang bekerja sama untuk membantu Anda menurunkan berat badan. Tidak seperti sistem diet lain atau kapsul, BromaCleanse tidak akan meninggalkan Anda dengan efek samping berbahaya atau negatif. Beberapa bahan utama yang ditemukan di BromaCleanse termasuk pro-bioitics (untuk menghancurkan parasit berbahaya dan cacing yang mungkin berada di dalam usus Anda), ekstrak nanas bromelain (untuk membantu pencernaan), ekstrak mengosteen (juga menghancurkan cacing dan meningkatkan pencernaan), pepaya ekstrak (diisi dengan vitamin dan mineral), teh hijau (untuk memaksimalkan pembakaran lemak dan meningkatkan metabolisme Anda), dan jahe (antioksidan kuat). Tumbuhan ini kuat bekerja sama untuk mengangkat metabolisme dan membersihkan tubuh dari racun yang tidak sehat dan kelebihan berat badan yang menjaga Anda dari mencari yang terbaik.

 Jika Anda telah mencoba untuk menurunkan berat badan tidak berhasil, Anda mungkin akan hal itu dengan cara yang salah. BromaCleanse adalah aman, alami produk yang akan menyiram tubuh Anda kelebihan berat badan dan menghancurkan racun yang menjaga Anda dari kehilangan lemak.

Senin, 07 November 2016

Natural Ways to Lose Weight After Childbirth

Natural Ways to Lose Weight After Childbirth
During pregnancy, usually the mother's weight will go up very much. Unfortunately, in some women, after childbirth, weight rose undiminished, even increased. Quiet, not his own mother. In a survey in the United States, nearly 75 percent of women feel their weight is higher after delivery than before pregnancy.
In order to quickly slim, the mother tried every means. Unfortunately, many of which ended in vain. Some are frustrated, unable to bear by a strict diet or exercise is exhausting. In fact, the strict diet is not well know for milk production. There are good, to lose weight after giving birth, the natural way to do the following:

1. Breastfeeding exclusively
Breastfeeding not only provides the best food for babies, but also easy and inexpensive way to streamline the body after childbirth.
Amazing facts say, when Ibumemberikan exclusive breastfeeding, then the deposition of fat in the body eroded away bit by bit. Therefore, the stored fat will be used to produce milk. The more frequent breastfeeding, the more fat deposits are eroded.
Keep in mind, in a day, breastfeeding can burn about 6000 calories! An activity that can only be equaled by exercising or doing the tread mill for 2 hours without stopping. A study in France said, a nursing mother can lose weight up to 0.5 to 0.8 kg per month.

2. Playing with Little
Sports not only swim or fitness for hours, but also playing with the child. Only by playing peek ba, or melakukaan squat-stand (squat) while carrying the baby to burn 100 calories, and make your baby smile. You and your baby bond was established.
If the baby is still too small, you can play with your older child. Playing catch throwing a ball or playing chase for 10 minutes can burn 100 calories.

3. Consumption of warm drinks
Research shows that three cups of green tea or hot tea can burn calories up to 78-106 calories, bright Lisa Davis, Ph.D., deputy head of research and development in Medifast. In addition, cool down with a cup of tea can stimulate the sympathetic nervous system.
This stimulation can lead to burning calories. Just make sure the mother does not consume tea after eating the main meal, because the levels of tannins in tea can reduce the absorption of some vitamins are essential for the body.

4. Duties Homemaker
Do not underestimate the activity of housework. This activity effectively burn calories in the body. The following household activities that can burn 100 calories:
- Wash dishes for one hour
- Mop for half an hour
- Cooking for 55 minutes
- The ironing or shopping for food for 1 hour
- Carrying a child for 40 minutes

5. Do not miss breakfast
Avoid the breakfast is not only bad for health, but may increase maternal body weight with ease. If you skip breakfast in the morning, most likely in the afternoon, you will feel more hungry, which will then make you overeat and your weight is getting out of control.

6. Drinking water before meals
This trivial but effective weight loss. By drinking water before meals, can be an effective way that can make you not much to eat, because the stomach is full with water. Thus, the calories in your body is not much weight can remain stable or even decline.
7. Chew food with True
Chewing food not only helps the digestive organs to not work harder, but also limit the portion sizes of food that enters the body indirectly. Therefore, you should chew the food 30 to 50 times per mouthful.
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